Warm Up to These Holiday Heating Tips

image of family enjoying holidays and home heating in winter

The holidays give people a chance to meet and catch up. If you are hosting parties this year, then create a comfortable environment that encourages conversation and relaxation. Delicious food and beautiful decorations are certainly welcome. Don’t forget to keep the house warm as well. It might be freezing outside but it can be toasty inside as long as you prepare well. Consider the following holiday heating tips to make your home an ideal winter shelter.

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Warm Up to These Holiday Heating Tips

1. Seal The Gaps

Your heating system‘s hard work will be wasted if there are gaps allowing warm air to escape. Conduct a thorough inspection of the exterior doors, walls, and windows. If you find any holes or cracks, then seal those right away with caulking or weather-stripping. You can also seek the help of an expert for a more exhaustive search using advanced methods. This will drastically increase the energy efficiency of your home and save you a significant amount of money with lower energy bills.

2. Change The HVAC Air Filters

image of a furnace filter

The air filters of your furnace are there to protect the equipment from dirt and dust. Their presence allows the system to work smoothly in delivering warm air across the house. However, these have a limited service life as they tend to get clogged after some time. If you haven’t changed your filters in a while, then it is a good time to do so. Check if the surfaces are already dirty because this will prevent proper airflow. A fresh set of filters is necessary for optimum performance and good indoor air quality.

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3. Install A Programmable Thermostat

Indoor temperature requirements change throughout the day based on household activities, number of occupants, outdoor temperatures, and so on. Most people will manually adjust the thermostat settings as needed. Others will depend on a programmable thermostat instead. This can automatically adjust the settings based on the time of day and other factors. It is more reliable and consistent than the manual approach. Homeowners do not have to worry about it so they can focus on their tasks such as preparing food or entertaining guests.

4. Arrange An HVAC Maintenance Visit

furnace tune-up

Make sure that your heating system is in the best shape to tackle the cold winter. Arrange for your local HVAC experts to come for a maintenance visit. They can perform a thorough inspection of the furnace, the ducts, and the vents. Their trained eyes allow them to find potential issues and fix these before they become big problems. They can clean the system and remove surrounding hazards. Regular maintenance prevents costly repairs. It also keeps the system running at its best. A heating system tune-up reduces your energy costs and provides a better level of comfort.

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5. Shift To A Tankless Water Heater

Some of your guests might end up staying in your home for several days. For instance, family members might travel all the way from another state or country. You will have to ensure that there is enough hot water for their showers. The sudden surge in demand may prove too much for your existing equipment. Consider switching to a tankless water heater for uninterrupted supply no matter the required volume.

6. Set Up An HVAC Zoning System

Long-term guests will also need warm rooms to stay in. Can your HVAC system deliver heat uniformly across the home? Do some areas feel colder than others? Do you want better temperature control to meet the different needs of the occupants? You can do this by setting up a zoning system with the help of an HVAC expert. Ask your local contractor about this so that you can plan your budget and make the transition before the guests arrive.

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7. Check The Air Vents

Does the house feel noticeably colder all of a sudden? If you rearranged the furniture recently, then you might be dealing with blocked vents. Perhaps a chair, table, cabinet, or sofa is getting in the way. Warm air may not reach certain rooms because of this simple oversight. Put a bit of distance between furniture and the walls with vents to see if you feel any difference. It’s a quick and easy way to solve a common problem.

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8. Use Space Heaters With Care

If you already checked the vents and certain rooms still feel colder, then consider using space heaters. These can instantly make specific rooms warmer with their presence. However, you need to be careful when using these as they can draw a lot of power. They are also a fire hazard so keep flammable items away from them. Space heaters need constant attention for safety. Turn them off before going to sleep or leaving the room or house.


9. Spin The Ceiling Fans In Reverse

imge of ceiling fan and ductless hvac system in winter

Warm air rises while cold air sinks. This phenomenon is useful during summer when people want to feel as cool as possible. However, it can be a hassle during winter. One way to compensate is to use ceiling fans to force warm air to drop back down. Set the fans to spin in the clockwise direction. This is a much cheaper option than pushing the thermostat’s setting to a higher temperature.

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Creating a warm shelter for the holidays does not have to be difficult or expensive. The strategies mentioned above are relatively easy to do. Try those that are suitable for your home and your needs. Expert assistance from HVAC contractors is also available if you need it. Also, be sure to order your fuel with enough time. A good rule of thumb is to order your home heating fuel when your tank is about 30% full. With careful preparation, you are more likely to host successful holiday parties and leave a good impression on your grateful guests.

Call McAllister Energy For All Of Your HVAC Requirements

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McAllister Energy offers superior heating and cooling services in Camden County, New Jersey. We hire the best-certified technicians who can provide you with excellent HVAC tune-ups, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each of our techs has the knowledge and experience to service your HVAC system correctly.

McAllister Energy guarantees the most competitive heating and cooling service costs in the area. Our maintenance services can improve your comfort, increase your energy efficiency while reducing your home heating and cooling costs. If you happen to need an HVAC repair or replacement system, we can recommend the best one for your home while staying within your budget. We back all of our work with a guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. To schedule a service appointment, give McAllister Energy a call today. We offer free, in-home estimates.

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