
image of a diesel gas pump used as a home heating oil alternative

Can I Put Diesel Fuel in My Home Heating Oil Tank?

November 21, 2022

Going without heat at the peak of the winter season is dangerous. Running out of fuel oil, however, is a reality that many face during this time. In this predicament, your family’s safety is a priority. Diesel fuel may be what you need for warmth, but it isn’t a simple fill-and-go process.

oil tank gauge

How to Read Your Home Heating Oil Tank Gauge

November 14, 2022

Homes with heating oil systems are prepared to take on winter. Since these systems store fuel in their own tank, they do not rely on a continuous flow from outside sources. That being said, homeowners should regularly check the remaining fuel in their oil tanks to give themselves enough time to schedule a delivery.

image of a residential boiler room

What To Look For In A New Oil Boiler For Your Home

October 24, 2022

After serving your home well for many years, you will eventually feel a significant decline in the boiler’s efficiency, performance, and reliability. It may require frequent repairs that aren’t practical. Eventually, you will have to get an oil boiler replacement. This article discusses what to look for in a new boiler.

image of an inefficient gas fireplace

Which Is More Efficient, A Fireplace Or Furnace?

October 17, 2022

During winter, you will spend more time indoors, avoiding the cold outdoors. Stay warm by installing a suitable heating system. If you are undecided, get to know both fireplaces and furnaces. They have their compelling features, as well as notable drawbacks. In this article, we will compare fireplace vs. furnace efficiency from a practical standpoint.

image of blue furnace flames

Top Signs Your Furnace Is Overheating

October 10, 2022

Do not ignore the signs when you notice a furnace issue. What seems like trivial oddities might be symptoms of a dangerous problem. For example, your might have an overheating furnace on your hands. Act fast before it’s too late.

image of water depicting water in fuel oil tank

Oil Tank Condensation: What You Ought To Know

October 3, 2022

Oil heating systems use tanks for fuel storage and security. It is an excellent arrangement, but much like anything, it requires care and attention. For example, water can get into the heating oil tank, causing problems like oil tank condensation. This article provides a comprehensive discussion regarding oil tank condensation.

image of a heating system depicting a furnace pilot light that goes out after heating

Why Does My Furnace Pilot Light Go Out After Heating?

October 3, 2022

For older furnaces, it’s possible for the pilot light to go out. Let’s say your attempts to re-light it aren’t working, or it may come on but only for a while. This article will explain why the furnace pilot light goes out after heating and what you can do to solve it.

image of homeowner deciding which one depicting portable air filters vs whole home air filtration systems

The Difference Between A Portable & Whole Home Air Filtration System

September 19, 2022

Don’t neglect poor indoor air quality. Instead, get a viable solution to this problem. Typical options include a portable air filter or a whole home air filtration system. However, each of these has its own strengths and weaknesses. This article discusses some of these aspects so you can find the best solution for your home.

image of the word troubleshooting depicting a furnace blower keeps running but no heat

What To Do When Your Furnace Blower Keeps Running But No Heat

September 12, 2022

If your furnace is on, but it doesn’t seem to heat your home, you may or may not need to contact a professional. This is because some furnace problems are easy to fix, while others require technical know-how and specialized tools. This article discusses some troubleshooting steps you should take first.

image of leaves falling off tree depicting end of summer ac tasks

What To Do With Your Air Conditioner When Summer Ends

September 6, 2022

After a long summer, the cooling system deserves to rest. Dropping temperatures will let you turn off the air conditioner without discomfort. Make sure that you don’t just switch it off and forget. Instead, close down the air conditioner properly to prolong its lifespan and set it up for another good run next year.